Substance Abuse Programs - Avondale, Colorado
There are several unique types of alcohol and drug abuse rehab centers in Avondale which addicted clients can get help from. As an example, there are drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities in the Avondale area which work specifically with somebody with a short history of drug and alcohol abuse and might benefit from a short term drug treatment center which will only demand that the individual to stay in rehab for 4 weeks or less. There are also far more intensive and long term alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation services in Avondale which call for a stay of 90 days or more, depending on the individual's background of drug abuse and other factors including co-occurring mental health issues. Drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs can be done on an outpatient basis or an inpatient basis, with inpatient drug and alcohol abuse rehab services providing substantially better results as a result of a higher quality of treatment program.
- El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch
1 El Pueblo Ranch Way
Pueblo, CO. 81006 - Associates for Psychotherapy and
924 Indiana Avenue
Pueblo, CO. 81004 - Gateway to Success PLLC
2429 South Prairie Avenue
Pueblo, CO. 81005 - State of Grace
720 North Main Street
Pueblo, CO. 81003 - CO Mental Health Institute at Pueblo
1600 West 24th Street
Pueblo, CO. 81003 - Parkview Adult
58 Club Manor Drive
Pueblo, CO. 81008