Facts About Alcohol Rehab Treatment Program
Besides leading to extreme psychological problems, alcohol addiction is a very severe problem that can cause violent behavior that is often unprovoked. However, alcohol rehab centers offer alcohol de-addiction programs that mainly focus on lending support to addicts in order to enable them overcome the addiction and handle fears and stress more effectively.
Alcohol rehab and addiction assessment plans
After enrolling into an alcohol rehab plan, the first step is to assess the individual and the addiction status. This process mainly involves evaluation of the addict's overall health. This includes addressing emotional, mental, spiritual and physical status of the individual. A proper and comprehensive assessment plan includes several individual assessments. A qualified medical profession evaluates the individual's physical health. On the other hand, the addict must meet a social worker for a proper counseling evaluation. The counselor makes an assessment of the addict's previous behavior patterns and their current lifestyle. Nutrition is an essential element of a successful alcohol rehabilitation program.
The alcohol rehab treatment plan
After a complete assessment has been done, a treatment plan is tailored specifically for the individual. This plan incorporates every aspect of the addict's life. Assessment is very important since it helps the medical professionals decide which other counseling and medical treatment programs should be incorporated in the plan besides treatment for alcohol addiction.
Having qualified staff for the entire alcohol rehabilitation plan is a very crucial element in the process. These professionals have been trained in order to understand certain specifics surrounding alcohol addiction in their specific areas of specialization. They help with implementing tailor-made (individualized) programs taking into account the patient's gender, culture, and age. Therefore it is vital for the addict to trust the medical practitioners involved in the treatment process.
Treatment process at alcohol rehab centers
The first and most critical step towards de-addiction is detoxification. Detoxification mainly involves withdrawal and the resurgence of withdrawal. This procedure can be quite painful for the addict since the body may find it very difficult to cope with the symptoms caused by sudden lack of alcohol. Even so, doctors and medical therapist provide appropriate assistance to addicts through this difficult phase.
Once the patient gains the ability to cope with withdrawal symptoms, the second phase of detoxification is started. This phase mainly involves counseling sessions with a professional counselor in handling alcohol abuse cases. Counseling sessions at the alcohol treatment centers may be conducted may be conducted on groups as well as individuals. It is essential for alcohol treatment centers to provide adequate medication, therapy and counseling to alcohol addicts since they are generally in a very poor emotional, mental, and physical state. This will help the patient free themselves off the alcohol addiction and bounce back to their normal lives.
Duration of treatment
Alcohol rehab treatment has no fixed time span. There are various factors that play a critical role in the determination of the time that full treatment will take. The type of damage that the patient has suffered and the type of addiction are some of the key factors that determine the duration of treatment. On the other hand, the treatment and the full recovery process depend on the emotional, mental and behavioral state of the alcohol addict. It is vital for the patient to be responsive in order for the medical experts and doctors to commence the treatment process. The treatment process is mainly carried out in successive phases.
The first phase of the alcohol de-addiction program is treatment for detoxification. The detoxification program usually lasts for approximately 4-6 weeks on average. However, this depends fully on the addict's responsiveness. After successful detoxification, the patient has to undergo counseling and therapy.
Therapy and counseling during the alcohol rehab treatment program may take several months since the patient and therapist may have to deal with many issues such as behavioral problems, emotional disturbances, and other issues that may have led to alcoholism. In most cases, such issues deep rooted and may back to the patient's childhood or even stem from personal insecurities.
The causes of alcoholism are very many. The therapist mainly focuses on helping the patient get to the root of the problem and devises the proper tools to address such issues decisively rather than shielding them behind alcohol. Once the addict is in control and stable, therapy sessions are usually continued in an outpatient treatment program.