The Importance of a Drug Rehabilitation Program
Rehabilitation of drug addicts requires patience, understanding and love from those close. Addiction is not a game, it is a drama with no words to describe it true to its intensity. The absence of drug produces a crisis manifested by excessive anxiety, violence, robbery and crime. This is the time of withdrawal which in medical terms translates as "the body's response to the sudden absence of the drug which was used". The withdrawal symptoms and their intensity vary according to the drug administered. For this reason, a drug rehabilitation program is essential for the patients.
The most powerful heroin withdrawal manifests itself through strong tremors, muscle and joint pain, abdominal pain accompanied by state of flu symptoms, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, sweating, anxiety and insomnia acute. Re-drugging body back into a state of apparent normality takes few hours. Impression that drug addict saves an illusion bargains. To really get rid of this nightmare addiction it takes strong will and self-control, and more help and understanding from the close ones. Returning an addict to the right way is like giving life to a child. Recovery means that the patient will confront himself and accept himself as a dignified human being - without drugs or alcohol. Recovery involves profound changes in terms of how those persons relate to each other and the world around. It means to take responsibility for their own feelings and behavior. The recovery process requires great courage on the part of the dependent person and a lot of help from others.
Most people consider that it must be given more attention to the needs felt by the family before, during and after the rehabilitation of dependents. This is not clearly defined as a problem. As long were consumed energy and money have been spent for one family member, the rest of the family was sentenced to ignore what they endure every day along with a person with addictive behavior. We believe that everyone is sentenced to ignore the terrible feeling of insecurity, confusion, to adapt to new situations where the addicts quit addictive behavior.
It's to be hoped that those who are emotionally involved with the person addicted in the process, will recognize the magnitude of the changes they expect in the recovery process of the dependent person. Also, we hope they will get help for them, as they become aware that they too have to change, and as their own feelings reflect that they are aware that dependents become responsible again.
Parents can check if their children are drug consumers through a simple test. It's called "Screen Test" and can be purchased from several drug stores. With the aid of it, parents can find out whether their child has consumed drugs or not in just few minutes. It can be quickly detected in saliva or urine and over 10 types of drugs are supported, including marijuana, amphetamines, methamphetamines, cocaine, opiates or phencyclidines.
drug rehabilitation involves:
1. Evaluation.
Before starting the detox program, the patient is investigated to determine the toxic substances present in the blood and their quantity. At this stage, physicians can identify other medical or psychological problems.
2. Stabilization.
At this stage the patient starts the detoxification program. This can be done with or without drugs, but often specific medication is used. The patient should explain the possible physical and mental effects it can have on the process of recovery. When indicated, the doctor may ask patient's loved ones to visit him, to encourage him and give him support.
3. Referring patient to complete treatment.
The last part of the detoxification process involves preparing the patient for recovery / rehabilitation. Since the above steps only addressed the physiological detoxification of drug addiction, they did not touch the psychological aspects of addiction. At this stage of detoxification, the patient is informed and asked to go through the entire process of treatment by joining his after discharge from hospital, in a rehabilitation program.
The drug rehabilitation program requires accountability, understanding the causes and mechanisms that emerged to persisted addiction, emotional maturity, increasing self-esteem, increase motivation for change, improving relations with others (family, friends, colleagues), the development of prevention strategies consumption (relapse prevention) and other issues.
The drug rehabilitation program lasts between 3 and 6 months, depending on the case, and can be done:
- in psychology offices through weekly counseling,
- in outpatient treatment centers that offer counseling services,
- in inpatient treatment centers, community centers therapeutic type.